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5th- 7th. July. 2019

Wolverhampton Art Gallery - DisORDER live art festival

- Live performance

Material: Paper

Photo Credit to - My family

Do You Wanna Play? Foxes (?) 

Project - Child play


'Do you Wanna Play?' by Noe Iwai Featured in  'Nothinhg Really Matress'  by PANICATTACK DUO

Blooming New Contemporaries 2018

At the South London Gallery

2 . FEBUARY . 2019

Shared Materials : Guitar, Shami-sen (Japanese three string guitar), Fox masks, Stones and Corals.

Hide and Seek: 籠り   - Stone Play  III


Live Performance

Duration : 15 minutes

​Materials : Daily clothes and stones

I wore my daily casual knit dress.  I wrapped my self inside, hide my heads legs and hands. I became a piece of object and started to collect stones that were spread on the ground. In the end of this performance when I could not take anymore of stones, I spitted out all the stones out side of the dress and left the space.

Ohajiki  (Flipping Game) - Stone Play  


Live Performance


Duration 15 minutes

​Materials : Stones

I used the method of Ohajiki (Flipping Game) that is traditional glass stone game in Japan.  

Small piece of colored glasses are used to play this game and it is usually played between two people.


In this performance I was playing Ohajiki by my self for 15 minuets and I used  stones that are collected from local area.

​I spread the stones all over the ground and drawn a line with my feet between faced stones and aim to hit one another.

If it hits, draw a line by my feet again, then I was allowed to collect one stone. 

​I managed to win and collect some stones, however, as the number of winning increases, the heavy stones dropped from my over carried hands.

I continued this action for 15 minutes and I left my space with  

two small stones in my hand.


Child Play - Truth  2016

Association of  the Nature Distraction 


Live Performance

​Scale of the trace 2.5m × 3m​

​Duration 15 - 20  minutes

Child Play - Truth 子供遊びのホントウ
Child play - truth 子供遊びのホントウ

Materials : Bucket of water, Stones, Blue pigment, Liquid soap, Lilies, Sands, Canvas Fabric and white cloth.

Performed a 'child play' based on my memory of childhood experience.

I build sand houses and placed Lilies on top of canvas with bucket of water. After that, I covered my body with wet cloth and mimicking fake martial art movement. I was splushing blue paint and soap liquid on canvas and stepping on each blobs of sands.
There were music played by two guitarists and untuned music were played during the performance.

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