NOÉ IWAI 岩井 のゑ

Material : Mirror from my mother, Blue face paint, scissors and shaver.
Live to Camera - Video
Duration 1 hour
I have painted my face blue, and I was cutting my hair first by scissors and got my hair shaved by my friend.
After shaving my hair, I have stared at my self on the mirror and wiped all the blue paint off.

Association of the Nature Distraction
Live Performance
Scale of the trace 2.5m × 3m
Duration 15 - 20 minutes
Materials : Bucket of water, Stones, Blue pigment, Liquid soap, Lilies, Sands, Canvas Fabric and white cloth.
Performed a 'child play' based on my memory of childhood experience.
I have build sand houses and placed Lilies on top of canvas with bucket of water. After that, I have covered my body with wet cloth and mimicking fake martial art movement. I was splushing blue paint and soap liquid on canvas and stepping on each blobs of sands.
There were music played by two guitarists and untuned music were played during the performance.

Fighting Blue
Acrylic painting on canvas
Scale 3m × 3m

Live Performance
Scale of the trace 2.5m × 3m
Scale of painting 2m × 2m
Duration 15 minuets
Materials : Bucket of water, Acrylic paints (Blue and Black), Body.
I used the method of Japanese tradditional meditation by washing my upper body on top of canvas. Afterwords I performed two different types of karate movement on top of canvas.
Washing Blue
Acrylic painting on Fabric
This fabric was washed after it is been painted.
Scale 3m × 2.5m

Melting Blue
Acrylic painting on canvas
Scale 1m × 45cm

No title
Acrylic painting on 3 canvases
Scale - 20cm × 30cm

My Dream, Desire and Struggle - 影ヲ追ウ
Water colors on Japanese Washi paper
Scale 15cm × 15cm

to the blue confusion - 青之溷濁
Acrylic Painting on canvas
Scale 1m × 45cm